Tag Archives forspray tanning training in tinton falls new jersey

Spray Tanning Training Available in Tinton Falls, New Jersey on August 23/24, 2014

Tammy Becker2I’m excited to announce the recent appointment  of the academy’s new appointed trainer Tammy Becker.  She is one of my previous student from 2 years ago and has decided to become a spray tanning trainer with the Hollywood Airbrush Tanning Academy.  I’m very proud of Tammy because when Tammy came to her first spray tanning training class, she was so intimidated with the spray gun.  It took her a while to get comfortable with the gun and spray tanning technique but she did not give up and became quickly successful in her own mobile airbrush tanning business in Ventura, CA.

Since Tammy will be in Tinton Falls, New Jersey in August, we decided to offer a hands-on training class in that area.   In a few month, she is actually moving from Ventura, California to a city in Pennsylvania and we will then be able to offer the exact hands-on spray tanning classes in that area.  This will be great for those who can not always fly to Los Angeles. I’m very excited about Tammy’s decision and want everyone to know that this trainers opportunity is available to all technicians who have trained with the Hollywood Airbrush Tanning Academy.  The airbrush tanning industry is booming and I get daily calls from individuals who want us to have airbrush tanning classes in their cities.  I am hopeful, as I train more trainers, we will be able to make this happen for the future.

We just announced our first hands-on spray tanning class in Tinton Falls, New Jersey and this class is available for 2 students.  You can read the official press release by clicking here.  If you or anyone you know who might be interested in this class, please feel free to call directly at (818) 674-9621.

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