Tag Archives forairbrush tanning businesses

Student Success Stories on Their Airbrush Tanning Businesses


Today I wanted to show a few more success stories from some of the previous students.  This comes from our private Facebook group since we are all hanging out online.

The image below shows Cindy’s comment.  Cindy is from Las Vegas and she took her airbrush tanning training class in December 2013.  That was only a few month ago and it seems she is really doing good now:

Cindy_testimonialAnd here is also a comment from Meredith in Oregon who came out to train 1 year ago:



And here is Daidre’s comment and she came for her spray tanning class in January of 2014.  That was 2 month ago and look at how good she is doing already:



I see stories like this all the time and I always encourage everyone to post their success stories as it inspires everyone else in the group, especially the newest students.  When someone struggles with things we are all there and give tips and advice.  This business is such a popular and fun business and I love sharing it and seeing all those success stories.

If you want to learn airbrush tanning yourself and want to belong to a great group of woman and men, I encourage you to contact me for the private and hands-on airbrush tanning training class.  I welcome all phone calls and am always happy to explain the program and what’s included and what makes my program different then any of the other programs on the market.  I know you will be happy with your training and this is why I offer a 7 day money back guarantee.  I don’t think there is anyone out there that offers this.  Feel free to call or text (818) 674-9621.

Here is one more success comment I found in our group:


And here is one more success text message I received from Janine in Chicago:


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This list will give you an idea of everything you need to purchase. You will be surprised how affordable it is to start this popular business.

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