Spray Tanning Tip – How To Make A Spray Tan Last Longer

Tips On How To Make A Spray Tan Last Longer


woman in bikiniI’ve been asked many times by my own clients and my students on how to make a spray tan last longer so I wanted to write about it for everyone to read. It starts first with the spray tanning technique.  If the spray tanning technician sprays too far away, then the tans usually don’t come out dark enough and the spray tan usually fades away within 3 days.  Many people think that is the fault of the spray tanning solution but it is not necessarily the problem of the solution unless the solution has been exposure to too much air and the DHA ingredient has been developed already. To test out the solution, you can take a cotton swab and put a drop of the solution on your finger.  If the spot on your finger turns out brown in a few hours, you know that the solution is still ok. If a spray tan technician sprayed a person correctly with good solution, then a spray tan should last at least 1 week.  But there are certain circumstances when the spray tan might not last as long as one week.


Reasons why your spray tan might not last as long as one week:

  1. Excessive sweating in extreme workout sessions, for example spinning/cycling classes
  2. Using the sauna
  3. Going into the swimming pool or Jacuzzi or having a long bath
  4. Getting a massage
  5. Taking 3 showers daily
  6. Living in humid areas such as Florida, Hawaii etc. where you sweat a lot because of the humidity

Now let’s discuss how you can make a spray tan last longer:

  1. The most important routine is hydrating your skin from the inside and outside.  From the inside I mean by drinking lot’s of water and from the outside by applying lotion on your body on a daily basis.  It does not even matter what lotion you are using so as long as you are moisturizing your body with lotion on a daily basis after taking a shower. This prevents the skin from drying out so the skin cells don’t have a chance to shed.  To read more on shedding skin cells and how our skin works, you can read a great article by clicking here.  When you moisturize on a daily basis you are basically preventing your skin from drying out and hydrated skin looks healthy and beautiful and I think we all aim for that healthy, glowy and beautiful look. I also would not recommend using baby oil because baby oil makes our skin too soft and you could actually rub your tan too much and it will rub off and fade very bad.  So for me baby oil is a no go.  I’ve tried it several times on my own skin and my spray tan looked horrible and blotchy afterwords.
  2. Another way to make your spray tan last longer is by using spray tan extending moisturizer.  Most tan extenders are usually creams or lotions made with a small percentage of DHA (that magic ingredient that turns our skin tan) and when applying daily after the shower, the spray tan could last approximately 10-14 days.  Please note that self tanning creams/lotions are not recommended to be applied on top of your spray tan because they contain too much DHA and can actually ruin your spray tan when applying on top…unless of course, most of the spray tan has faded and then self tanning creams or lotions can be applied again.
  3. The 3rd option on how to make a spray tan last longer is to just limit the showers you are taking daily 🙂 ha, ha ….but I know that this might not be an option for most 🙂 There are some people who take a shower 3 times and some who shower one time a day and the tan will not last as long if you are showering 3 times a day because with each shower you are washing away a little bit of the spray tan.

I hope these tips will help and as I mentioned in the beginning, everything starts from the spray tanning technique and the distance the spray tanning technician is using.  If a spray tan technician sprays too far away then the tan can never last a week or longer because most of the solution can not be absorbed by the skin and washes off after the first shower.

If you are reading this blog post and perhaps have an interest in learning how to airbrush tan or starting your own Mobile Airbrush Tanning business, I encourage you to contact me at (818) 674-9621.  My spray tanning technique is unique and flawless (even for beginners) and my spray tans last longer than 1 week and are not sticky and don’t smell.  These are the compliments I get all the times from my own clients and this is what I teach to each and every student of mine. Plus I teach you about many of the different spray tanning solution available on the market – to be unique and stand out as an airbrush tanning technician you must know about the different brands and colors to use for different skin types/tones.

Want to find out how much money you might need to start an airbrush tanning business? Sign up below to get the list of equipment and supplies needed. You will be very surprised how little investment you need. For those of you on a tight budget, we also have financing available so please feel free to inquire and I will explain everything. Enter your name and email below to get the list:

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Simone is the founder and trainer of the Hollywood Airbrush Tanning Academy. She is also a spray tanning business owner and has her own professional airbrush tanning location in Studio City, California. Studio City is located in Los Angeles and very close to Universal Studios. Simone's loves to help others have a successful spray tanning business and this is why she teaches every week. She also continuously enjoys keeping in contact with all students and hopes that one day, they will become trainers within their city/state. Prior to starting her own airbrush tanning business, Simone worked for over 18 years in Human Resources. She held Human Resources Director positions in several companies and was responsible for Training more then 800 employees. She feels that this background has prepared her to teach and give back to others.

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