North Carolina Tanning Salons Should Prepare by Offering Airbrush Tanning To Teens


Recently I read again that North Carolina might follow the many other states and might ban teens under 18 from using tanning beds.  This is the the second time in a little over two years, that the North Carolina state House has overwhelmingly approved a proposal to ban minors from using indoor tanning beds. The introduction of the tanning bed legislation comes on the heels of the U. S. Surgeon General’s national “Call to Action” on skin cancer last year. You can read more at this link by clicking here.

The House Bill was named “Jim Fulghum Teen Skin Cancer Prevention Act” in honor of Jim Fulghum who passed away last year, and memoralizes the former Republican state representative and neurosurgeon who was an early and strong supporter and sponsor of the tanning bed legislation.

With this law in motion, it means a possible decrease of business for tanning salon owners but it could also be the rise of a lucrative airbrush tanning business. Tanning salons should learn airbrush tanning as this is another opportunity for salon owners to think ahead and prepare so that they can offer a healthier alternative to teens and spray tan them instead of offering tanning beds.

The Hollywood Airbrush Tanning Academy can help in this transition by offering airbrush tanning training to tanning salon owners.  Please feel free to check out our extensive training program by visiting or feel free to call 818-674-9621.


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Simone is the founder and trainer of the Hollywood Airbrush Tanning Academy. She is also a spray tanning business owner and has her own professional airbrush tanning location in Studio City, California. Studio City is located in Los Angeles and very close to Universal Studios. Simone's loves to help others have a successful spray tanning business and this is why she teaches every week. She also continuously enjoys keeping in contact with all students and hopes that one day, they will become trainers within their city/state. Prior to starting her own airbrush tanning business, Simone worked for over 18 years in Human Resources. She held Human Resources Director positions in several companies and was responsible for Training more then 800 employees. She feels that this background has prepared her to teach and give back to others.

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