1 Day Spray Tanning Training Program Is Getting Longer & Longer

DSC06060I recently trained Athena who resides in Orange County, California.  Athena chose to do the spray tanning training in 1 day.  I know that for most people, learning everything in 1 day can be very overwhelming and I usually always suggest for everyone to do the spray tanning training in 2 half days.  But Athena was not able to take much time off from her regular duties.

I started her off to watch all the 3 hours of video training, which she was able to do at home at her own time.  The video training does not really show the spray tanning technique but it prepared her on all the different spray tanning machines and spray tanning solutions that are on the market so she can make an educated decision on what she might like to purchase.  I talk extensively about many of the best solutions that are available on the market and what makes each solution different.  I also refer all my students to the direct distributors who sell machines and solutions so she can get the best prices available on the market.  I even negotiated student discounts which is only available for all the students of the Hollywood Airbrush Tanning Academy.

In the videos, I also talk about the magic behind spray tanning and the skin types and how to match the formulas to the different skin types. I’m glad that Athena was so dedicated by watching all the videos in advance and by the time she came to her hands-on training class, it saved us so much time.  And instead of her being there for 12 hours, she was ready and done with only 8 hours of hands-on training.

I know there are some training programs out there that say they teach you everything within 2-4 hours but trust me, you will never know everything there is to know on how to be a successful airbrush tanning business owner.  This is why I made all those videos, that I provide to all my students in advance and then also later on after class, all my students get even more videos that they can watch as a refresher again and again.  That’s why most of all my students are very successful and I’m also still available for everyone after the training has been completed.  In addition, all my students are welcome to come back and get a refresher and sit in one of the training classes again until they feel confident enough with the spray tanning technique.

Not only am I available for all my students after class is finished, but we also have a private group where all students hang out, support each other by answering questions and inspire each other to be successful.  Many of my students rave about our group and how helpful and inspiring the group is.

If you too want to learn how to be a successful airbrush tanning business owner within your own city and state, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Simone is the founder and trainer of the Hollywood Airbrush Tanning Academy. She is also a spray tanning business owner and has her own professional airbrush tanning location in Studio City, California. Studio City is located in Los Angeles and very close to Universal Studios. Simone's loves to help others have a successful spray tanning business and this is why she teaches every week. She also continuously enjoys keeping in contact with all students and hopes that one day, they will become trainers within their city/state. Prior to starting her own airbrush tanning business, Simone worked for over 18 years in Human Resources. She held Human Resources Director positions in several companies and was responsible for Training more then 800 employees. She feels that this background has prepared her to teach and give back to others.

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